The churches’ Fellowship Ministry team oversees activities that build Christian character and community among members and guests. The overall vision of Exalting, Experiencing, and Extending Christ is applied to each area.
The following are opportunities through which we Experience Christ in fellowship with one another.
Bonclarken Family Weekend
Each year, around the middle of June, our congregation travels to Flat Rock, North Carolina to spend the weekend at Bonclarken... Bonclarken is the Associate Reformed Presbyterian official camp ground. (go to https://www.bonclarken.org for more information) Friday nights consist of settling in, fellowship and volleyball. A multitude of family activities are available Saturday that concludes with a time of singing and devotion around a camp fire. Sunday our church conducts the worship service in the chapel with lunch served afterwards in the dining hall. The remainder of the day is
free time.
Movie Night involves brown bag meals and the showing of wholesome movies suitable for the entire family. These are usually scheduled on a Friday evening.
The Compassion Ministry is a prayer group that meets twice a month just prior to Wednesday Night Gathering. It is responsible for maintaining the church’s Prayer Request List and sending out various cards to members.
The Condolence Ministry supplies food at the request of family members before or after funeral services held at the church.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets each Friday morning from 7:10 to 8:00 in the fellowship hall. Good camaraderie and fun are accompanied with a period of prayer and devotions.
Wednesday Night Gathering meets in the fellowship hall at 6:00 PM for excellent catered food, meeting of friends and guests, children’s ministries, and small group devotions and fellowship.