Please join us for our Women's Ministry Christmas Brunch


Saturday, December 7th from 9:30 to 11:30 am

The ARP Church of Greenwood Fellowship Hall


We will eat delicious food, enjoy seasonal music, and then be blessed with an encouraging message from Ann Gainey. She will speak to our theme - O Come Let Us Adore Him - putting our thoughts on Jesus in this busy season and reminding us of the amazing gift God gave us in Him, as well as sharing lessons God taught her through a very challenging time of pain with purpose.


About our Speaker

Ann Beckham Gainey taught in public and Christian schools after earning a bachelor of arts in education from Erskine College and a master of education from Clemson University. Ann re-fired, her word for retired, after serving for twenty-five years as the executive director of Choices Pregnancy Care Center in Gainesville, Georgia. Ann and her husband, Al, have two adult children, two grandchildren, and will soon celebrate their fifty third wedding anniversary.

Tickets are $15 and on sale now. Please purchase from the church office or from one of our board members by December 4th.

If you will be a visitor to our church, please RSVP to Jenni Funk. By clicking the button below, you can send an email RSVP directly to her. Please plan to pay cash at the door.